The Warmup is the Workout
You warmup is your workout. When done right it can be uncomfortable, get you fired up for your session, and should directly relate to what you are about to do.
A great warmup directly relates to your workout. If your warmup is not preparing you for the movements that you will be doing the rest of the session, then it is time to change things up. It does not have to be complicated either. Take the activity you are doing that day, take squats for example, and do activities that mimic that movement. For squats things like toe touch squats, overhead squats, box jumps, and light weight squats can be great choices for preparing you for your squat session.
A great warmup can be a tone setter for your workout. Bringing the right focus and execution to a warmup can bleed over to the rest of your session. None of those muscles are going to stretch themselves. None of those joints are going to mobilize themselves. None of those dynamic movements matter if you are not being DYNAMIC while doing them. If you want to be a lollygagger and bring half effort to a warmup, you are going to get a half effort workout.
A great warmup is not comfortable. Prepping your body for physical activity requires you to raise your body temperature, get your central nervous system firing, and should not take more than 10 minutes. It can be uncomfortable warming up, but once you are there it is easy to stay in that place. So embrace the uncomfortable for the warmup and the workout will not feel as hard.
Lastly, as a coach the warmup is something you should always be able to call back to during demos and other activities in your programming. being able to call back to what you were working on in the warmup can help create tremendous by in with your clients. It represents intent and organization in your programming and exercise selection.
Good info!