Program Outline: Burlington Rugby Football Club's 2022 Offseason Strength and Conditioning

Strength & Conditioning Packet 2022

    Rugby Union is a sport that requires strong anaerobic and aerobic capacities from the players. 15 players for each team play 40 minute halves running like soccer players and hitting like football players. Over 13 weeks this program looks to focus on developing many of the necessary qualities of the athletes, while also meeting the athletes where they are at due to varying training ages. This concurrent program can have the flexibility to be implemented by novice to advanced athletes. 

    This training program is broken down into a standard triphasic model where three week blocks are used to progress the athlete from owning the patterns to explosively executing the lifts with confidence. Given the schedule of the club, the program is designed with two 90 minute sessions per week. This program can be modified to a four days per week program. One would do this by moving the conditioning to its own 45 minute sessions twice per week. For videos demoing most of the movements you will see in this program visit @BodyByGymbro on Instagram. 

Week 1:GPP
Week 2:GPP
Week 3:Test
Week 4:Eccentric Strength
Week 5:Eccentric Strength
Week 6:Eccentric Strength
Week 7:Concentric Strength
Week 8:
Test/Concentric Strength
Week 9:Concentric Strength
Week 10:Power
Week 11:Power
Week 12:Test/Power
Week 13:Fun!!

The Big Three:

    No, not that big three. Before starting this program, I ask you to do three things. 

    1. Trust the process. Things take time, and if you try to do week 13 shit in week're gonna have a bad time.

    2. Show up. The program is not going to do itself. Lift with intent and focus. 

    3. Coach's Golden Rule: If it looks like shit, it probably is. Most people have a phone in their pocket at all times with amazing cameras. Use them. More often than not, take weight off and it cleans right up.

Week 1-3: GPP

    The first three weeks are focused on reintroducing the team/athlete back to physical activity. Coming off of long spring, summer, and fall seasons the players do not need to have their first day back be an ass kicker. The job is to get better, not beat yourself up!

    We start with foam rolling and light, dynamic, stretching focused around the hips (90/90 hip flexor, Adductor rocking, 90/90 glute stretch, and lying dynamic hamstring stretching). This gives us time to assess what might be any problem areas for the session. Post rolling and stretching we move to a series of light mobility and activation drills to finish our prep work. Hip lifts, floor slides/angles, and active leg lowers (FMS) are done for 10 repetitions each. 

Dynamic Warmup

    Day one hosts the Linear Dynamic Warmup as the last part of the warmup before moving on to the fun stuff. The warmup is meant to practice at low intensity some of the patterns in the program ahead. You will need only 10-15m to travel across as you progress through it. While not in the program below, here is the linear warmup;

                                1. High Knee Tuck to Lunge
                                2. Single Leg Deadlift Reach
                                3. Quad Pull to Toe Touch
                                4. Crawling Spiderman Stretch
                                5. A Skip (Forward and Backward)
                                6. B- Skip
                                7. High Knees
                                8. Butt Kicks
                                9. Back Pedal (Push)
                               10. Back Pedal ( Reach)

Day two's Lateral Dynamic Warmup is as follows;

                                1. High Knee Tuck to Lunge
                                2. Single Leg Deadlift Reach
                                3. LAteral Squat (Side Side Middle)
                                4. Crawling Spiderman Stretch
                                5. LAteral A Skip (Right and Left)
                                6. Lateral Crossover Skip (Right and Left)
                                7. Shuffle
                                8. Carioca
                                9. Back Pedal (Push)
                               10. Back Pedal ( Reach)

Light Implement Power (LIP)

    After the warmup, we move to our Light Implement Power (LIP) stations. These LIP stations fall into our Jumps, Throws, and  Sprints categories. In the first block we are really focusing on building the breaks of the athlete. Teaching deceleration is key to every athlete having success moving onto later blocks and reducing the chances of non contact injuries. You have to make sure you know how to stop before you drive a car really fast. These superset stations are NOT meant to tire you out. They are here to prime the nervous system, let the athlete practice necessary skills, and assess the athletes readiness for the upcoming demands of the session. So, long story short, LIP is not where you chase the is where you get to set the stage for a great session. 

    At this point in the program we have not introduced Heavy Implement Power (HIP). 


    The strength blocks are split into two, three exercise circuits. These circuits are meant to practice our strength patterns while reintroducing the body back to sustained higher heartrates. Rest periods between each one of these exercises can be self regulated, but should be about 45 seconds in a perfect world, with a one minute break between sets. Through the weeks we are increasing intensity by increasing volume by two reps per week. This steady increase in volume will allow the athlete to have a smooth reintroduction to physical demands of the program. Strength 1 consists of the primary lifts, and Strength 2 consists of complimentary/accessory exercises. 


    Conditioning in the first block consists of low intensity Tempo Running ( They give us the opportunity, again, to have a smooth reintroduction to physical activity. You can also use them to practice high speed running mechanics in a submaximal  environment. If possible start with 50 meter lengths where the athlete runs down and walks back. 

Day OneDay Two
Motor Control Warmup:Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4:Motor Control Warmup:Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4:
Foam Roll Hipflexors/Lats/GutesFoam Roll Hipflexors/Lats/Gutes
BIg Four Hip StretchesBIg Four Hip Stretches
Hip Lifts x 8 Hip Lifts x 8 
FLoor SLides x 8 FLoor SLides x 8 
Active Leg Lowers x8 / sideActive Leg Lowers x 8 / side
Linear Dynamic Warmup:Lateral Dynamic Warmup:
Light Implement Power Station 1:Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4:Light Implement Power Station 1:Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4:
Snapdowns x 8SnapDowns x 8
BOx Jumps x 5Box Jumps x 5
Light Implement Power Station 2:Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4:Light Implement Power Station 2:Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4:
 Ball Slam x 8Standing Bucket Throw x 8
PVC position OH Squat x 8PVC OH Squat x 8
Light Implement Power Station 3:Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4:Light Implement Power Station 3:Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4:
Step and Stop x 5/legLateral Bound and Stick x 10
Sprint x 2Cross Over Sprint x 2
Strength 1: x 3Week 1: 8 RepsWeek 2: 10 repsWeek 3: 12 repsStrength 1: x 3Week 1: 8 RepsWeek 2: 10 repsWeek 3: 12 reps
Goblet SquatDB RDL 
DB Row Holds (3 second Hold)Pushups
PlankSide Plank
Strength 2: x3Week 1: 8 RepsWeek 2: 10 repsWeek 3: 12 repsWeek 4:Strength 2: x3Week 1: 8 RepsWeek 2: 10 repsWeek 3: 12 repsWeek 4:
Single Arm Carry (50 yds)SIngle Arm Overhaed CArry (50 yds)
Single Leg Hip LiftsLAteral Goblet Squat
HAlf Kneeling OH PressSingle arm Row
Tempo Runs 100m (70% Effort) (50m turns ~15 sec on and 30/45 sec off)Week 1: 8 RepsWeek 2: 10 repsWeek 3: 12 repsTempo Runs 100m (70% Effort) (50m turns ~15 sec on and 30/45 sec off)Week 1: 8 RepsWeek 2: 10 repsWeek 3: 12 reps

Week 4-6: Eccentric Strength

    Eccentric strength is the main focus of our second block. The name of the game over these three weeks is mastering patterns, controlling weights, and exposing the athletes to higher physical demands. The tempos are simple and are mainly focused on increasing time under tension. Chasing numbers is allowed in Strength 1  here because we are no longer increasing reps week by week. If you increase weight, you better keep it clean. You must always be mindful of the Coach's Golden Rule. Strength 2 will challenge strength-endurance qualities and should not be a place where you chase numbers.

Light Implement Power (LIP)

    In this phase we continue to progress our LIP stations activities through their primary progressions. Just remember Coach's Golden Rule, and that there is no need to progress until you have mastered the baseline activity. We also are beginning to expose the athlete/team to heavy implement power work (HIP). Given that rugby players usually have tight/immobile shoulders, due to previous injury and the demands of the sport, the Single Arm Snatch became the primary choice for this phase. Two major points of reference for the Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch are;

    1. Keep It Fast! Chasing numbers could compromise form and speed. Let it grow at its own pace.
    2. Make sure it looks athletic. Coach's Golden Rule. 

Our other progressions for this phase include;
    1. Box Jump to Vertical Jump
    2. Step and Stick to Hurdle Hop and Stick
    3. Lateral Bound and Stick to 45 Bound and Stick
    4. Med Ball Work changes postures and adds movement. 

Strength 1:
    This first block is loaded with bilateral, two-limbed, exercises. As you can see there is now an option for our Goblet Squat, the Barbell Front Squat. My squatting standard for any athlete, or client for that matter, is that they MUST Goblet Squat 100 lbs. for 10 repetitions with IMPECCIBLE TECHNIQUE. The same goes for the Kettlebell Deadlift to Trap Bar Deadlift. I like to see the athlete deadlift the heaviest bell possible foe 10 amazing reps.  Follow Coach's Golden Rule and build your Goblet Squat, progression for progressions sake will only hurt you in the long run. 

    We have also progressed our DB Row Hold to an Eccentric Chin-up. The goal here is to transfer over the quality squeeze in our back and challenge that pattern with movement. Also building to a Chin-up is a big goal for many novice athletes. For the advanced athlete loaded Eccentric Chin-ups can be a great challenge. Bench Press has the option of Dumbbell Bench PRess for those with shoulder issues or for athletes without a spotter. 

Strength 2:

    This auxiliary circuit follows the previous phase's model and has a steady increase in volume (two reps per week). The goal here is pattern practice, so don't feel too worried if you stick with the same load through the entire phase. The increase in volume will challenge your strength-endurance. We are hoping to keep our rest breaks shorter and our heart rate floating around 70-85% of your heart rate maximum. 

Conditioning: 150 Shuttle Runs

    This phase is where we really begin to push the intensity of our conditioning. 150 meter shuttle runs consist of 25 meter turns, so that means that means three down-and-backs. These are done for time and your work to rest ratio is 1:1. Be mindful of decelerating into the turn and strong drives off the line. Starting with 450 meters per session in week four to 750 meters per session in week six. 

Day OneDay Two
Motor Control Warmup:Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4:Motor Control Warmup:Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4:
Foam Roll Hipflexors/Lats/GutesFoam Roll Hipflexors/Lats/Gutes
BIg Four Hip StretchesBIg Four Hip Stretches
Hip LiftsHip Lifts
FLoor SLidesFLoor SLides
Active Leg LowersActive Leg Lowers
Linear Dynamic Warmup:Lateral Dynamic Warmup:
Light Implement Power Station 1: x3Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4: (Technique week/off week)Light Implement Power Station 1: x3Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4: (Technique week/off week)
Ball Slam x 8Bucket throw w/ step x 5
Box Jump/ vertical jump x 545 bound and stick x 10
Light Implement Power Station 2: x3Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4:(Technique week/off week)Light Implement Power Station 2: x3Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4:(Technique week/off week)
Standing Hinge Chest Pass x 8Power Pushup x 5
Single Arm Snatch x5/Single Arm Snatch x5/
Light Implement Power Station 3: x 3Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4: (Technique week/off week)Light Implement Power Station 3: x3Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4: (Technique week/off week)
Hurdle hop and Stick x 5Hurdle hop and stick lateral
Sprint x 15mCrossover Sprint x 15m
Strength 1: x 3Week 1: 5 repsWeek 2: 5 repsweek 3: 5 repsWeek 4: (Technique week/off week)Strength 1: x 3Week 1: 5 repsWeek 2: 5 repsweek 3: 5 repsWeek 4: (Technique week/off week)
Goblet Squat/Front Squat3 sec eccentric3 sec eccentric3 second eccentricKB/Trapbar Deadlift3 sec eccentric3 sec eccentric3 second eccentric
Chinups3 sec eccentric3 sec eccentric3 second eccentricBench Press/DB Bench Press3 sec eccentric3 sec eccentric3 second eccentric
Bear CrawlLateral bear crawl
Strength 2: x3Week 1: 8 RepsWeek 2: 10 repsweek 3: 12Week 4: 8 Reps (Technique week/off week)Strength 2: x3Week 1: 8 RepsWeek 2: 10 repsweek 3: 12 repsWeek 4: 8 Reps (Technique week/off week)
TAll Kneeling DB OH Pre ssGoblet Position Lateral Lunge
Eccentric hamstring curl3 second Lower3 second Lower3 second lowerSingle Arm OH Carry25m per arm25m per arm25 m per arm
Single Arm Carry25m per arm40m per arm50m per armSingle arm rows
150m Shuttles (25m turns) (~30 sec on and 90 sec rest)x3x4x5150m Shuttles (25m turns) (~30 sec on and 90 sec rest)x3x4x5

Week 7-9: Concentric Strength

Now that we have spent the last three weeks practicing our major lifts it is time to put them into action! These three weeks are about chasing numbers, to technical failure, and building a solid strength baseline. We will be pushing the Strength 1 circuit as our major lifts for this three week push. Power and Conditioning phases also increase in intensity. Recovery is important more than ever this phase as it is the most intense of the three week blocks. Be mindful to spend these weeks getting in as much sleep as you can and hitting your nutritional goals. Protein shake before and after your workouts might be necessary. 

Heavy Implement/Light Implement Power (HIP/LIP)

    Day One we will continue to keep working our Single Arm Snatch work, and on Day Two will have the athlete to the Barbell Snatch. Start your weights for the Barbell Snatch at what you are doing for the Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch. This is because it still needs to be fast and snappy. Don't let the barbell temp your ego into chasing numbers, Coach's...Golden...Rule. Remember the two major focuses of the Single Arm Snatch when using the barbell. 

    Video: The Basics of the Barbell Snatch

    Example of Coaching Cues for Position 2 Barbell Snatch See:

    Our other progressions for this phase include;
    1. Countermovement Vertical Jump to No Countermovement Jump
    2. Hurdle Hop and Stick to Hurdle Hop with Mini Bounce
    3. 45 Bound and Stick to 45 Bound with Mini Bounce
    4. Med Ball Work changes postures and adds movement. 

Strength 1:
    This phase is made to increase our baseline strength levels by using a technical failure system I have used for the past four years, 5/5/X. The purpose for the 5/5/X model is to allow the athlete to get in enough of a strength stimulus, increase work capacity, and help autoregulate load. You will use the technical failure set (X) to determine 1 RM for the following Strength 1 session. We can then use our 1RM to calculate our loads for the next sessions First Five Reps. When making load changes between sets DO NOT EXCEED 20% of the current load on the bar. This is known as the Delta20 principle as introduced to me in Pavel Tsatsouline's work. It has been a big contributor to keeping my athletes, my clients, and myself healthy. 
    The First Five Reps 
           The first set of five reps is a preparation set. This first set will be 70% of last sessions 1RM for that lift. Focus on quality reps and make it look easy.

    The Second Five Reps
            The second set of five reps will be a more aggressive set looking to make that jump in load. Make sure to not go over that 20% increase. Look for a 5-10% increase based on how you feel, which will bring you to 75-80% 1RM for five reps.  
    The X: A Technical Failure Set
            This is where the ego gets checked at the door. When the technique goes, you are done. We don't need anyone hurting themselves trying to grind out a rep then not be able to compete. If you are working out by yourself, squatting in front of a mirror and using dumbbells for Bench Press will be good regulators and safer options. If you have a gym buddy, make them keep you honest and you them. Friends don't let friends lift like shit!

            Now with that being said, for the last set of "X" is a maximum of 10 reps. For this last set you can either use the 80% 1RM weight from your previous set or you can make a 5% jump and use 85% 1RM. It just really depends how you are feeling that day.  If you hit 10 reps in the "X" set please take that as a sign you are feeling good that day! Also look to move starting weights up next week with your new load percentages. 

Strength 2:

    Our second circuit has some changes this phase. We are progressing away from our DB Overhead Press and shifting to a Half Kneeling Landmine Press. This will allow for more load to be pressesd and give thyou a chance to six weeks ov vertical pressing. Our third week aslo has a drop in reps from 10 in Week 2 to six reps in Week 3. Use this time as a recharge week and own your pattens. 

Conditioning: 300 m + 150m Shuttle Runs

    Shuttle Runs continues to increase its intensity by increasing duration while removing a little volume.  We take our  five 150 meter shuttles (750m ) from Week 3 of this past phase and turn it into one 300meter shuttle PLUS two 150m Shuttles. (600 m). This three week phase will take us from 600 meters week 1 to 1200m week four through a combination of 300m and 150 m Shuttles. Your rest breaks are still aiming to be 1:1. 

Day OneDay Two
Motor Control Warmup:Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4:Motor Control Warmup:Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4:
Foam Roll Hipflexors/Lats/GutesFoam Roll Hipflexors/Lats/Gutes
BIg Four Hip StretchesBIg Four Hip Stretches
Hip LiftsHip Lifts
FLoor SLidesFLoor SLides
Active Leg LowersActive Leg Lowers
Linear Dynamic Warmup:Lateral Dynamic Warmup:
Light Implement Power Station 1: x4Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4: (Technique week/off week)Light Implement Power Station 1: x4Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4: (Technique week/off week)
Split Stance Ball Slam x 5/Cross behind Bucket Throws x 3/
DB/TBD Jump x 5 (10-20% BW)45 bound w mini bounce x 10
Light Implement Power Station 2: x4Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4:(Technique week/off week)Light Implement Power Station 2: x4Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4:(Technique week/off week)
2 pt Chest Pass x 3/Power Pushup x 5
Single Arm Snatch x 5Position 1 Barbell Snatch x 5
Light Implement Power Station 3: x4Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4: (Technique week/off week)Light Implement Power Station 3: x4Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4: (Technique week/off week)
Hurdle hop w/ Mini Bouncex 5/legLateral Hurdle Hop w/ Mini BOunce x 5/
Sprint x 2 15mShuffle to Crossover Sprint x 1 15m
Strength 1: x 3Week 1: 5/5/XWeek 2: 5/5/Xweek 3: 5/3/XWeek 4: (Technique week/off week)Strength 1: x 3Week 1: 5/5/XWeek 2: 5/5/Xweek 3: 5/3/XWeek 4: (Technique week/off week)
Front Squat/Goblet SquatKB/Trapbar Deadlift
Chin-upsBench Press/DB Bench Press
Bear Crawl10m10m10mLAteral Bear Crawl10m10m10m
Strength 2: x3Week 1: 8 RepsWeek 2: 10 repsweek 3: 6 repsWeek 4: 8 Reps (Technique week/off week)Strength 2: x3Week 1: 8 RepsWeek 2: 8week 3: 6 repsWeek 4: 8 Reps
Half Kneeling Landmine pressGoblet Position Transverse Lunge
Slider Hamstring CurlsSingle Arm OH Carry
FArmers CArrySingle arm rows
300m & 150m Shuttles(25 yard turns) (~60 sec on 120-150 sec rest)300m x 1 150m x 2300m x 2 150m x 2300m x 3 150m x 1300m x 3 150m x 2300m & 150m Shuttles(25 yard turns) (~60 sec on 120-150 sec rest)300m x 1 150m x 2300m x 2 150m x 2300m x 3 150m x 1300m x 3 150m x 2

Week 10-13: Power

    These next three weeks are where, in my opinion, the real fun happens. We have just spent nine weeks developing strength that we now get to express violently in the weight room. This is the real athlete shit. Our focus shifts from prioritizing our Strength 1&2 to maximal effort the earlier parts of our programming (LIP & HIP).  We will still have, and maintain, a strength base with some less taxing  strength activities. Removing the barbells in Strength 1 will minimize wear and tear and keep you fresh for other activities like Snatches and Sprints. Speed is king and always remember Coaches Golden Rule. Hopefully this is where we will start to see a drop in Sprint times as well. 

Heavy Implement/Light Implement Power (HIP/LIP):

    These are the money sets. Power work sets are 3three to five reps to help encourage maximal effort and maintaining crisp form.  Our speed and viciousness are paramount to maximizing the benefits of power training.  

    Our Snatches on Day 2 are moving to a lower start position, listed as Position Two. Refer to the video that is referenced in the earlier section to see the Hang Barbell Snatch. 

    Our other progressions for this phase include;
    1. No Countermovement Jump to Weighted Jump
    2. Hurdle Hop with Mini Bounce to Continuous Hurdle Hop
    3. 45 Bound with Mini Bounce to Continuous 45 Bound
    4. Med Ball Work changes postures and adds movement. 

Strength 1 &2:

    To lower the cost of doing business on the lumbar spine and other joints in play, the final phase we are moving to unilateral strength activities. Single Leg Squats to Box, Split Squats, Single Leg Eccentric Hamstring Curls and Single Leg Deadlifts are the two primary Single Leg Activities that will challenge the lower body. Week three is a deload week and will act as a prep for the start of the Spring Practice season.

    Always remember Coach's Golden Rule!


    We finally reach the apex of our Shuttle volume with four 300 meter Shuttle runs in our final week. This is no joke and is the going to ask a lot of the athlete as we look to staty at a 1:1 work to rest ratio. This is something you have been building up to for the entirety of this program, so just stay the course and give it a great effort!

Day OneDay Two
Motor Control Warmup:Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4:Motor Control Warmup:Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4:
Foam Roll Hipflexors/Lats/GutesFoam Roll Hipflexors/Lats/Gutes
BIg Four Hip StretchesBIg Four Hip Stretches
Hip LiftsHip Lifts
FLoor SLidesFLoor SLides
Active Leg LowersActive Leg Lowers
Linear Dynamic Warmup:Lateral Dynamic Warmup:
Light Implement Power Station 1: x 3Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4: (Technique week/off week)Light Implement Power Station 1: x3Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4: (Technique week/off week)
Single Leg Ball Slams x 5/Trap BAr/DB/BW Jump x 5
Trap BAr/DB/BW Jump x 5Plyo Bound x 10
Light Implement Power Station 2: x 3Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4:(Technique week/off week)Light Implement Power Station 2: x3Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4:(Technique week/off week)
3 pt chest pass x 3-5Cross Behind Bucket Throw x 3/ side
Single Arm Snatch x 5Hang Position 2 Snatch x 3-5
Light Implement Power Station 3: x3Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4: (Technique week/off week)Light Implement Power Station 3: x3Week 1:Week 2:Week 3:Week 4: (Technique week/off week)
continous hurdle hop x 5/LAteral continous Hurdle Hop x 5 per leg
Sprint x1Sled Sprint/bound x 2
Strength 1: x 3Week 1: 5/5/5Week 2: 5/5/5week 3: 5/5/5Week 4: (Technique week/off week)Strength 1: x 3Week 1: 5/3/XWeek 2: 3/3/Xweek 3: 3/3/XWeek 4: (Technique week/off week)
Single leg squat to boxSplit Squat
ChinupsDB Bench Press
Bear Crawl square10m10m10mBear crawl square10m10m10m
Strength 2: x3Week 1: 8 repsWeek 2: 8 repsweek 3: 6 repsWeek 4: 8 Reps (Technique week/off week)Strength 2: x3Week 1: 8 RepsWeek 2: 8 repsweek 3: 6 repsWeek 4: 8 Reps (Technique week/off week)
Standing Landmine pressSingle Leg Deadlift
Single Leg ECC hamstring CurlsSingle Arm OH Carry
FArmers CarrySingle arm Rows
300m & 150m Shuttles(25 yard turns) (~60 sec on 120-150 sec rest)300m x 3 150m x 2300m x 4300m & 150m Shuttles(25 yard turns) (~60 sec on 120-150 sec rest)300m x 3 150m x 2300m x 4

    If you do this program and make it through till the end I commend you and appreciate your commitment to the process! Please reach out with any questions, comments, or concerns you may have at


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